Homeowners are turning to solar panel installation on Staten Island. Solar panels generate energy from the sun to produce electricity for your home. Solar panels help the environment and save homeowners money in the long run. Some people may be skeptical and wonder whether solar panels do help you save. As a leading solar panel Staten Island company, we are happy to say that yes, solar panels can reduce your energy bill.

While solar panels are costly upfront to install, they are an excellent investment. Studies suggest that homeowners save between ten to twenty thousand dollars over a lifetime after installing solar panels. That’s a lot of savings.

The exact answer to how much you can save will vary. The following factors play a role in how much money solar panels save a homeowner:

  • Hours of daily sunlight
  • Size and angle of your roof
  • Electricity rates in your city/town

Out of the above factors, your location plays the most significant role in your savings. States with a higher electricity rate will see more considerable savings in a 20-year lifetime. Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey are in the top five states that have the most significant savings.

Installing panels does much more than save homeowners money. They are also great for the environment. Solar panels help you to reduce your carbon footprint and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

No matter what state you live in, solar panels are an excellent investment. Call us today to schedule an appointment. If you want solar panels Staten Island, you should make us your first call.