Homeowners are looking for ways to access green energy. Not only does it save on energy costs, but it also increases your home’s value if and when you decide to sell. As a whole, we’re becoming more eco-conscious, and it doesn’t stop with our homes. Solar and wind energy is an excellent way for homeowners to turn their home green and cut their energy bills.

What are the differences between solar energy and wind energy? Both offer an affordable and viable source of energy. Both are an excellent option to lower energy costs, but both have fundamental differences.

How does the cost differ?

The prices of solar and wind energy vary. Some homes will need more solar panels to cover the roof, while others will need larger wind turbines. No matter the initial cost, both sources of energy will save you money in the long run.

How is the power generated?

Solar energy is generated by the sun, and wind energy is powered by wind. Solar panels capture energy from the sun and turn it into electricity. Wind turbines create energy by a generator. The generator produces energy when the wind turns the blades of the turbine around a rotor.

What is the maintenance?

Solar panels do not require much maintenance. Occasionally you will need to remove debris and hose off the panels. Doing this ensures a maximum exposure area. Since wind energy is always in motion, it requires more maintenance. You’ll need to replace the moving parts in time due to wear and tear.

New York City homeowners can benefit from solar energy. Contact us for solar panel installation in Staten Island. We’re also the best insulation contractor Brooklyn has to offer.