Solar panel Staten Island has become increasingly popular in the last several years. With more and more homeowners wanting to create a more environmentally friendly home, they have turned to solar panel technology. Solar panel installation Staten Island helps the environment and saves homeowners money in electricity bills.

Due to its ever-growing popularity, solar panel technology has seen significant breakthroughs in the past year. We will go over some of the many advancements made in solar panel technology in 2019.

Solar Panel Efficiency- Leading industry companies have been trying to create more energy-efficient solar panels. Each year, we see more and more advancements in the efficiency of solar panels. These advancements also have led to cheaper panels for consumers. Currently, most solar panels are made with silicon cells. American and Swiss developers have worked on Perovskite solar cells in the last two years. These cells will be more efficient while costing less.

Solar Water Purifiers- Developed by Stanford University researchers and the Department of Energy, solar water purifiers can purify water when exposed to sunlight. While this is not the first device to clean water through solar panels, it is more efficient than its counterparts. The latest solar water purifiers only need a few minutes of exposed sunlight to create safe drinking water.

Solar Tracking Mounts- With the popularity of solar panels continually growing, more and more homeowners will be interested. Unfortunately, not all homes are built for solar panel installation on the roof. Thanks to tracking mount technology, ground-mounted solar panels has seen a big breakthrough this past year.

If you’re ready to add solar panelling to your home, let us be your first call!