To keep comfortable temperatures in your home, despite the weather outside, people tend to turn on their HVAC systems. We run the heat during the winter and our AC units during the summer. Did you know that home energy costs account for the most significant annual bill besides rent or a mortgage? According to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory estimates that an average American household spends about $2,100 on energy. What would it mean to your home budget if you could reduce energy costs while remaining comfortable?

One of the best things a builder or homeowner can do to reduce energy costs is to make sure that their space is adequately insulated. Spray foam insulation is one of the best options homeowners and contractors have.  Not only does this insulation material deter moister and improve air quality, but it also improves overall comfort in the home. Spray foam creates an air-tight seal that protects homes from drafts. Other insulation options do not offer the same qualities. The best insulation contractor Brooklyn has can provide free consultations for how to protect your home from the elements.

Spray foam is rather dense, and it is applied with a strong adhesive. The material adds strength to a structure by reinforcing roofs and walls. The material acts as a layer that protects a home from both wind and humidity.

Another benefit of spray foam insulation is the material’s ability to reduce sound coming into the home. If you reside in a busy and noisy area, which is most areas of Brooklyn, you may want to stop the sounds from outside disturbing you. Spray foam fills in cracks in homes and absorbs sound waves. It is a way to sound-proof your walls and ceilings.