Solar panels are great for reducing energy costs and protecting the planet. With each passing year, technology is getting better and more affordable. A decade ago, it would have been improbable to install solar panels on residential homes, but now, that is not the case. In fact, solar panels are becoming the new norm. They can be installed on most roofs. With rebates and tax deductions from the City of New York, solar panels have never been more affordable.

Just because a home now draws power from the sun, it does not mean that you should be wasteful with energy in your home. Below, we want to go over several tips for effectively using solar electricity.

Lower your homes overall energy consumption: If you are considering adding solar panels to save money and the planet, you will also want to strongly consider using energy-efficient appliances and products in the home. How many of your home appliances are Energystar rated? Can you move to a tankless water heater? Have you switched out your light bulbs to LED bulbs? There are little things and big things that can be done to reduce energy consumption in the home.

Insulate your home: when a home is built, contractors put in insulation, but in many cases, it is not strong enough to fully insulate a house. A homeowner’s most significant energy cost goes to heating and cooling.

Using spray foam insulation in Manhattan can fully protect a home, keeping the conditioned air inside unaffected by the weather outside. We are insulation contractors, We provide insulation consultations throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.